Installing VMware vSphere 5.5 Series:
In this series I will be installing ESXi and vCenter using Microsoft Server 2012 R2 virtual machines.
Part 1: Introduction and ESXi Installation
Part 2: Microsoft SQL 2012 Installation
Part 3: Creating the vCenter Database & ODBC Setup
Part 4: vCenter 5.5 Installation
Part 5: Initial Setup (Accessing vCenter, Configure Basic Permissions, Add Host)
Downloading ESXi: If you will be running ESXi from a physical server you will want to use the ESXi image provider by the hardware manufacture such as Dell, HP, Cisco. Their ESXi image has the drivers and software specific for the hardware. If you will be running ESXi in a nested environment, then the ESXi image from VMware is what you want. Here are the download links for each manufacturer:
ESXi Installation: First boot your server from the ESXi ISO. Depending on your hardware you should mount the ISO using iLo/iDRAC/etc. Another nice way is to boot it from a USB thumb drive. You can make your USB bootable by using this tool: . Of course you can do it the old fashion way and burn the ISO to a disc. The first screen that pops up should look like this. It has a timer that will count down and automatically take you into the installer unless you hit a button on your keyboard.
ESXi Installer Load Screen:
Welcome to the ESXi 5.5 Installation. Hit Enter:
Accept the license agreement and hit F11:
Here you select where you want to install ESXi. You will have already configured your hard drives with a RAID if applicable (if not go do that and start over). The installation of ESXi is very small, you could use a thumb drive and install to it. Once you select your install location hit Enter:
Pick your keyboard layout and hit Enter:
Enter a password for the root account. Hit Enter:
ESXi is ready to begin the installation. Hit F11:
ESXi Install Progress Screen:
Installation is complete. Hit Enter to reboot:
Here is what the ESXi screen looks like after booting. Lets do some basic configuration such as setting a static IP, naming this host and ensuring the correct uplinks are selected. Hit F2 to bring up the login menu:
Enter the password that was set during the install, hit Enter:
Scroll down to Configure Management Network, hit Enter:
Go to Network Adapters and hit Enter:
This is where you can select what uplinks the management network has. This screen might be different depending on your environment. Hit space bar on the vmnics that you want to use, when finished hit Enter:
Now scroll down to IP Configuration, hit Enter:
In my lab I want to set a static IP address, once finished hit Enter:
If you are not using IPv6, go to IPv6 Configuration and disable it:
Now go to DNS Configuration and hit Enter:
Set your DNS information and host name, hit Enter:
Now hit ESC to exit, you will be prompted to reboot thehost for the changed to take affect. Hit Y to reboot:
Now your ESXi host is ready for use:
Continue to Part 2: